In recent years, the NEF has donated funds for improvements at each of Newburyport’s public schools:

  • District-wide Instructional Technology Professional Learning Community (PLC). The NEF supported technology for a new initiative to 1) cultivate a culture of innovation and experimentation amongst Newburyport Public School educators, 2) explore how technologies can positively impact teaching strategies and examine the new “best practices” for a tech-based classroom, 3) provide early adopters with a community where there are opportunities to give and receive feedback, explore new ideas, and influence the development of district-wide initiatives, and 4) pursue the NPS goal of creating classroom cultures that promote student voice and engagement.
  • Nock/Molin Video & Podcasting Lab. This project provides opportunities for students to build reading, writing, speaking and listening skills through the creation of video and audio productions. Students can create high impact products that illustrate their understanding and application of grade level content (e.g. concepts, skills, vocabulary).
  • Wellness Initiative. The Newburyport Education Foundation raised funds for a Wellness Initiative to create a Wellness Space at the Molin Upper Elementary and Nock Middle Schools will serve all students, Grades 4-8.  At the high school, we provided our students access to state of the art strength and conditioning equipment which will allow them to build personalized programs. These programs will foster confidence and self-esteem, ideally setting them up on a path of lifelong fitness.
  • Auditorium Renovations. The Nock/Molin was updated with state-of-the-art rigging, lighting, microphones and soundboard.  At NHS, a three-phase project updated the production facility infrastructure to provide students and the community with an auditorium that is up to code and has modern capabilities to support arts, meetings, city and other cultural events. Learn more.
  • Bresnahan Strem STEM Lab, with generous support from Strem Chemicals in Newburyport, a room at the Bresnahan was reconfigured into a flexible lab space for grades K-3 to meet the new Science Technology/Engineering Learning Standards adopted by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. Learn more.
  • The Nock-Molin library was transformed into a learning and media center on par with the new Bresnahan School Library and the recently renovated IFS Library and Media Center at the High School. Learn more.
  • At the Brown and Bresnahan elementary schools, the NEF donated funds for literacy closets, classroom libraries, community-based education programs (bus trips), new computer servers, and computers.
  • At the Molin Upper Elementary and R. A. Nock Middle School, the NEF installed 8 state-of-the-art science labs, premier technology for each classroom, a music lab, a robotics lab, and new technology and computers.
  • At the Newburyport High School, the NEF launched the Virtual High School Program, donated technology including lap tops for science, a Distance Learning Lab, a photography lab, a portable math lab, teacher work stations, a world language lab and a state-of-the-art library media center.

Throughout the district, the NEF has also donated funds for partnership grants, the high school technology club, and the IFS Science Speaker series.